A work in progress…

At DELAH, we take the utmost care in selecting products and services to feature on our website. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and ethical standards guides every decision we make. We meticulously vet each product and service to ensure they align with our values and meet our high standards.

Currently, you may notice that there aren’t any products showcased on our #DELAHSustainable Directory. This is not because of a lack of options (quite the opposite), but rather a reflection of our dedication to presenting only the best. We believe in transparency and authenticity, and we refuse to compromise on the integrity of our recommendations.

Rest assured, we are continually searching for and evaluating new products and services that meet our standards of sustainability and quality. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to bring you the finest selection of conscious luxury options.

For updates…

Without a standardised framework across the industries we research, DELAH adopts a qualitative approach to measuring the social value of a brand. We conduct thorough analysis to determine the social, environmental, and ethical impact of a brands range of products and/or services.

Our commitment to quality is reflected in our standards. DELAH does not endorse brands, products, or services who fail to acknowledge, understand, or address their impact. All items or services featured in the #DELAHSustainable portfolio transparently demonstrate responsibility socially, environmentally, and ethically.

While we strive to ensure the integrity of the brands we highlight, it is important to note that DELAH is not liable for any actions or misconduct by the brands we endorse. Our evaluations are based on the information available at the time of review.

Responsible luxury exists, and DELAH exists to bring those products and services to light.